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Elena Gubanova&Ivan Govorkov.  Time keeping. 2016.

Marina Gisich Gallery 2016 SPb www.cyland.ru

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Inventions. 2014. installation, performance. graphite pencil. 500h300h500sm

Other Capital, contemporary art in St. Petersburg. Museum of Moscow. 2014

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2012, Marina Gisich Gallery,St.Petersburg


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'We are here'', Venice,2011. russian art project.

RED SHIFT,site specific installation. Universita' ca' Foskari'Venezia

Red Shift

Red Shift
Red Shift

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Patterns of the mind

Turku biennial 2011.

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Gates and doors

Russian Muzeum, 2011

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Las Meninas,2010

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This is Luda.2009

Loft Project ETAGI,S. Petersburg,2009

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Russian beauty,2009

PROARTE, S.Peterburg-NCCA,Moscow,2009

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Sonic Self,2008

Chelsea Art Museum, NY, USA

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Adventures of the Black Square by Kazimir Malevich

Russian Muzeum,S.Petersburg,2008

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Malevich 's Vegetable Garden .1993-2008

«Malevich's Vegetable Garden", video installation. The Ethnography Museum - the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg. Russia 1993,Russian Museum 2008

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Observatory ,2007

PRO ARTE Institute,Pulkovo Observatory, In program “Contemporary Art In Traditional Museum”, St.Petersburg, Russia 2007,
“Vanya, Go Back Home”
Sound installation. 2007
In the 1960s discoveries in radio-astronomy initiated a new stage of space studies. Unique devices for picking-up radio signals from distant galaxies, stars and sun were developed.
One of these devices is The Big Pulkovo Radio Telescope that still impresses everyone with its size.
The installation is situated near the telescope antenna. There is a stool (the most common and well-known object) standing on the glade. A spectator sits down, puts on headphones that lie nearby. He hears a woman’s voice, saying over and over “Vanya, go back home”.
That is the voice of Ivan Govorkov’s mother . Her little son Ivan is playing outside and she is calling him home. Despite the specifity of the phrase addressed to Vanya, every adult can remember a similar situation from his own childhood.
With the help of transformation of space, comparison of the big antenna and the small stool the artists reveal the differing scales of the cosmic and the casual. One may consider the sound in the headphones picked up with the antenna.
However, it is not the abstract cosmic noise, but an unexpectedly real human voice. It reflects the feeling of a lonely small human being in the enormous Universe and offers to return to the individual space, the only real and always inhabited one.

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Playing classics,2007

The Marina Gisich gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Celestials.
Spaces of the Classics, or the Classics of the Space scientific theory or hypothesis not only combines all facts, but also reveals an unexpected bond between phenomena that might seem independent.
Ivan Govorkov uses the Moebius’ topological space as an illustration or a symbol in his theory of the universe and offers the graphic perception of the space through the geometry in art.
The artist is convinced that everything around – the anatomy of living beings, the ocean currents, the structure of space and time and the Universe are of shape of the one-sided surface of the Moebius’ tape.
In the series of pictures “The Celestials” the artists combined the images of the mythological heroes of the classic art with the topological space of the one-sided surface.
He offers spectators to return to the ancient view of the world, in which geometry and art could describe the whole Universe.
“The space of the Moebius’ tape is the only true space, the support for the science and art, the vanishing and inconceivable space.
Vibration and form of the truth are concluded in it.
Space and time are the Moebius’ tape;
The human body is the Moebius’s tape;
The whole life is an expectation of the Moebius’ tape features.
Everything is present at the “impresent”;
Everything exists in the “unexistence””.

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 Delicate Vibration,2004

The Kvadra T gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia,2004

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Garden of the sculpture and relaxation,2003

Anna Akhmatova Museum at Fountain House, St. Petersburg, Russia.

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sculpture- not sculpture,2002

New World of Art gallery,S.Petersburg,Russia, 2002

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